今天開始上半晝的part time, 因為下午要上公關課公關課上半比較悶, 下半好多了~ 我想, 我還是會一直上課的
下午約了妮妮到cwb逛街, 從前在港島區上課, 一向都不覺得自己屬於那個地方, 然而近這半年偶爾到銅鑼灣, 竟然覺得有點親切了~
然後跟貓哥, 菲比, fifi 去cova 吃甜品buffet, 甜品....蛋糕... 全都好吃, 不過好"漏" 搵機會再食多次~
When Will You Get Married? Use the patented WEDDING ALGORITHM A.I. to determine when your wedding date will be. Are you going to get married to your one and only in the next few months, or will it be a long decade before you walk the aisle?According to the Wedding Algorythm, You Will Marry In: 4 YEARS AND 1 MONTHS